Blaze: "The Axle City Airport."
(Blaze, Sparkle, Stripes, Starla, Darington, Zeg, Watts, Crusher and Pickle were robots and were walking through Axle City with luggage.)
Monster Machines, AJ and Gabby: (laughing and cheering.)
Blaze: Hey, you just in time!
AJ: Yeah, we're going to Mexico for a vacation.
Sparkle: And we're going by an airplane.
Gabby: I can't wait for this trip.
Watts: Me neither.
Stripes: But I can't the airport.
Starla: Neither can I.
Blaze: Help us find the airport. When you see an airport, say "Airport."
(Time passes, an airport was spotted, viewers respond.)
Blaze: Airport! Yeah, there it is.
Sparkle: Come on everyone, this way!
(The robots all went inside the airport and they all looked around.)
Monster Machines, AJ and Gabby: Whoa!
AJ: This airport is so cool!
Pickle: So what should we first?
Gabby: Well we should by getting checked in.
Blaze: Good idea Gabby.
(So they all went over to the check-in desk.)
Check-In Agent: Ahh Hello Blaze. You and friends checking in your bags.
Blaze: Yes, we're flying to Mexico.
Check-In Agent: Ooh sounds great. Why don't I get your boarding passes?
Blaze: Thank You.
(So the check in agent gave them their passes.)
Check In Agent: Have a good trip.
Sparkle: Thanks!
AJ: Okay, next we have to go through security, and we're done.
Stripes: Where is it exactly?
Watts: Let's ask that baggage handler.
Blaze: Good Idea Watts.
(So they went to the baggage handler.)
AJ: Excuse me, do you know where security is?
Baggage Handler: Ahh yes, it's just around the bend. Why don't you put your bags on the conveyer belt and it'll take care of the rest.
Gabby: Thanks.
(So everyone puts their luggage on the conveyer belt and it takes the luggage.)
Blaze: Ok, before we go through security, does anyone have any liquids?
Watts: Nope.
Zeg: Not Zeg.
Darington: Nothing.
Stripes: None.
Starla: Same here.
Sparkle: No.
AJ: Not me.
Gabby: Neither do I.
Pickle: No.
Crusher: Not a chance.
Blaze: All right, now let's get started with this trip.
Monster Machines, AJ and Gabby: (laughing and cheering.)
(So everyone went up the escalator, went through security and retrieve their bags and they headed to the plane gates.)
Sparkle: Hey Blaze, look at all the planes.
Blaze: Yeah, they're sure are a lot of them.
Pickle: But which one is our plane?
AJ: (gets his boarding pass.) Hmm, according to our passes, our plane is at gate number 12.
Blaze: Help us find the gate to our plane.
(Shows various plane gates.)
Blaze: Where do you see the number 12.
(12 lights up.)
Blaze: Yeah, that's it.
AJ: Come on everyone, this way.
(They entered the gate and got onto the plane.)
Flight Attendant: Welcome aboard Flightington. Our best plane.
Flightington: Hola amigos. Welcome aboard.
AJ: Thanks.
(They all were located to their seats, put their luggage into the carry-in cabins and sat in their seats.)
Sparkle: Umm Blaze, why was Flightington speaking so strange?
Blaze: That was Spanish, Flightington is a Mexican plane.
Sparkle: Oh I get it, and in Mexico, they speak Spanish.
Blaze: Exactly.
Flightington: Attention passengers. Atencion Pasajeros. We are now leaving for Mexico, please fasten your seatbelts, We're ready for takeoff. Ahora nos vamos a Mexico, por favor abrochense los cinturones, Estamos listos para despegar.
(Everyone buckles up and Flightington was towards the runaway.)
Stripes: Rawr! This is it!
Zeg: (giggles.) Zeg so excited for vacation!
Darington: Me Too!
(Then Flightington approaches his runway and is about to takeoff.)
Blaze: Okay Sparkle, you ready to fly?
Sparkle: You betcha, I'm ready to fly with Robot...
Monster Machines, AJ and Gabby: Power!!!
(And Flightington takes off into the sky.)
Blaze and AJ: Robot Power!
Blaze: We're engineered for awesome, Got all the best technology. Processing lots of data, With our computer circuitry.
AJ: So let's get excited, (Come on!) We're programmed for fun, And let's get the job done. (Whoaaa....)
Blaze and AJ: Robot Power!, Robot, yea-ah! (Yeah!) You know we've got robot power! You know we've got robot...power! (Yeah!) Robot Power! (Yeah!) Robot...Power!