Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

AJ to the Rescue Trivia

S5E2 Animals gather round AJ


  • Gabby, Stripes, Starla, Darington, Zeg and Watts don't appear in this episode.
  • In production order, this is first episode of the fifth season.
  • This is the fifth time someone other than Blaze reads the title card, in this case, AJ.
  • This marks the second episode where AJ had to save Blaze, after Dragon Island Duel.
  • Sixth episode to have the word "Rescue" in the title, after Rocket Ski Rescue, Raceday Rescue, Robots to the Rescue, Construction Crew to the Rescue and Royal Rescue, and the third to end with "to the Rescue" after Robots to the Rescue and Construction Crew to the Rescue.
    • In addition, this is also the first episode with AJ's name in the title.
  • The first three minutes of the episode were released in a YouTube promotional clip for the US release of Ricky Zoom.
  • This is the longest time Blaze and AJ were alone in an episode without any other Monster Machines.
  • This is the third episode where Blaze and AJ are separate for most of the episode after Dragon Island Duel and Raceday Rescue.
    • Unlike those two episodes where it was part of Crusher's cheating plan, Crusher was not involved this time and did not even speak to the both of them this episode.
    • Similar to (and also for the first time since) Dragon Island Duel, yet unlike Raceday Rescue, Blaze is demoted to a supporting role due to AJ becoming the episode's main focus. However, AJ has much more focus than the first said episode, even becoming the official main character of the episode all together.
  • This is the second time someone has gotten stuck in sticky mud, in this case, Blaze. The first was Zeg in Dino Dash.
  • This is the second episode with no transformations, the first was Power Tires.
  • This is the biggest role for AJ yet.
  • The only time Blaze speaks to the viewer is when he and AJ are driving at the beginning.
  • Adaptive Traits is the seventh STEM song AJ sings entirely himself without Blaze after Lever, Magnets, Let's Investigate, Design, I Wanna Be An Engineer For Christmas and Deduction.
  • AJ never wears his helmet throughout the entire episode.
  • This is the fourth episode where AJ asks the viewer to activate Blazing Speed instead of Blaze, with the other three being The Driving Force, Tool Duel and Dragon Island Duel.
  • A white rhinoceros can be seen at Pickle's improv and during the STEM song. White rhinos have become near-threatened in real life, and the last remaining male white rhinos died on March 19, 2018.
  • This is the first time Blaze uses Blazing Speed more than once since Need for Blazing Speed, and the first time he uses it before the adventure since the said episode.
    • To date, this is also the last episode where Blaze uses Blazing Speed more than once.
  • This is the first hearing of We're On Our Way since Raceday Rescue.
  • This is the first episode of Season 5 to introduce a new STEM song.
  • First episode since The Great Animal Crown where AJ greets the viewer first.
  • This is the longest time AJ is outside of Blaze throughout the episode.
  • Out of the animals that help AJ, the firefly is the only one not referred to with gender-related pronouns.
  • The monkey in this episode is more realistic than the monkeys seen in Epic Sail and the Wild Wheels series, with the same being said for the crocodiles.
  • About a third of the episode is essentially a monologue from AJ.
  • During the extreme close-up of the zebras' fur during the STEM song, it marks the first time realistic fur is shown in the series.
  • This episode has a role-swap; it's AJ who's the hero with Blaze as the sidekick. When he gets trapped, the monkey fills in as the sidekick to AJ.
  • AJ is shown to understand monkeys, fireflies and elephants rather fluently. Other instances of this would be Zeg who is able to understand dinosaurs, and Darington who is able to speak fluent chicken.
  • This is the first Season 5 episode where there is no Crusher subplot before going to the first obstacle, and the first where it serves as the final scene of the episode all together.
  • This is the first episode produced in 2019 according to the end credits.

Running Gags[]

  • AJ repeatedly saying, "Friends to the Rescue!"
  • Every time Crusher tells a joke, it usually ends with something dancing on his head.
  • AJ's animal sidekicks showing their adaptive traits.


  • The scene where AJ swings on the monkey's tail is similar to The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, where Roo swings on Tigger's tail.
  • The plot of the episode is similar to the Little Einsteins episode "Rocket Safari" when the kids recruit animals to help them free Rocket stuck in a waterfall.
  • AJ recruiting the animals to save Blaze might be a reference to the former Nick Jr. show Go, Diego, Go! where Diego has to help an animal in trouble. AJ also talks to the animals and understands them like Diego in the show.
  • AJ going on a solo adventure to rescue Blaze might be similar to the Dora the Explorer episode "Boots to the Rescue" (coincidentally, both titles sound familiar, and both AJ and Boots are side characters), where Boots had to go on a solo adventure to deliver a song to Dora at school. This episode's overall plot might be also similar to the "Team Umizoomi" episode "Milli Saves the Day", where Milli had to go on a solo adventure to rescue Geo and Bot.


  • When Blaze chases the monkey's kite, he doesn't go very far before getting stuck in the mud, but AJ had to go much farther before he reaches Blaze.
    • Also, Blaze doesn't pass any of the obstacles AJ faces.
  • The mud pit can be seen coming after the canyon AJ passes, but when Blaze falls in it, the canyon cannot be seen behind him.
  • Before AJ frees Blaze with his Blazing Speed, he says he has to give Blaze the power, but in Treasure Track Blaze was able to activate the speed on his own without AJ aboard.
    • It is possible that AJ gave Blaze the idea to use Blazing Speed.
  • When AJ says "their tails have changed," the captions list "tails" as "tales".
  • In the travel song as AJ and the monkey fly into a log, AJ is not layered properly and he stays outside the log when he slides in.
  • When AJ says "But how?" the captions list "how" as "now".

Home Media Releases[]

Episode Trivia
Blaze of GloryThe Driving ForceTool DuelThe Bouncy TiresEpic SailStuntmania!The Jungle HornThe Team Truck ChallengeCake-tastrophe!Truckball Team-UpThe Mystery BanditGasquatch!Truck RangersTrouble at the Truck WashZeg and the EggRunaway RocketCattle DriveDragon Island DuelSneezing Cold
Fired Up!Dino DashTruck or Treat!Race to the Top of the WorldMonster Machine ChristmasKnight RidersDarington to the Moon!Piggy 500Spark BugFive Alarm BlazeAxle City Grand PrixTreasure TrackRocket Ski RescueDinosaur ParadeRace Car SuperstarRace to Eagle RockSky TrackThe Wishing WheelPickle Power
DinocoasterThe Hundred Mile RaceThe Polar DerbyLight RidersCatch That Cake!The Bouncing Bull RacetrackMega Mud RobotKnighty KnightsAnimal IslandToucan Do It!Falcon QuestThe Big Ant-ventureReady, Set, Roar!The Great Animal CrownTow Truck ToughRace for the Golden TreasureNeed for Blazing SpeedFast FriendsRaceday RescueDefeat the Cheat
The Chicken Circus!The Pickle Family CampoutRobot PowerBreaking the IceRobots to the RescueThe Super-Size PrizeT-Rex TroubleMeatball MayhemRobots in SpacePower TiresNinja BlazeSnow Day ShowdownConstruction Crew to the RescueOfficer BlazeThe Flying LionRoyal RescueThe 100 Egg ChallengeBlaze and the Magic GenieThe Midnight MileNinja Soup
The Island of Lost TreasureAJ to the RescueThe Trophy ChaseBabysitting HeroesAbra-Ka-Pickle!Toy Trouble!Deep Sea Grand PrixRecycling Power!The Great Space RaceIce Cream Monster MachineThe Mechanic Team!Blazing Amazing StoriesBig Rig BlazeThe Big Balloon RescueSpace Alien Adventure!Video Game HeroesThe Race Around the EarthThe Blaze FamilyThe Treat ThiefThe Gold Medal Games
Big Rig to the Rescue!Dino DerbyThe Amazing Stunt KittySir Blaze and the UnicornSparkle's Racing BadgeRace to Sky High MountainThe Puppy ChaseFirefighters to the RescueThe Construction ContestStarla's Wild West BirthdayRace to the Golden GiftThe Tiger TreasureThe Boingies!The Snow SpectacularSnow Rescue BlazeSpecial Mission BlazeThe Fastest of Them AllMegabot!The Treasure of the Broken Key: A Musical AdventureLifeguard BlazeCampfire Stories!Super WheelsThe Great Pizza RaceMonster Machine HalloweenA Blazing Amazing ChristmasBig Rig: Dolphin Delivery
Sparkle's Big RescueMail Truck BlazeKnights in Sparkling ArmorThe Snowflake GamesParamedic PowerRenewable Energy RacersMission to MarsThe Flying ContestThe Super SkateboardThe Baby Robot From Outer SpaceThe Yucky DuckyThe Pillow PirateSuper Wheels vs. The BubblemakerSuper Wheels vs. The Green QueenSuper Wheels vs. PancakeioArcade AdventurePickleworld!Super Slide TrophyWild West HeroesFlying Robot RescueThe Ice TreasureMagic Spell MayhemValentine's Day RescueThe Robot ChampionshipSuper Smash RaceSchool Bus Blaze!
The Pirate Grand PrixVideo Game Land: A Monster Machine Super SpecialThe Garbage Truck ChallengeMonster Machine Rescue TeamTrick or Treat TreasureTire Trouble!Tool Truck BlazeBlaze's First RaceGet the Letters to Santa!The Snow, Sea, Sky, RaceThe Super Snowman ContestSpace Mission Blaze
Dino Smash!The Great Train Race