Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

A Blazing Amazing Christmas Transcript


It's Christmas Eve, and Blaze and the gang are helping out at Santa's workshop, doing various things.
All (cheering and laughter)
Stripes Rawwr! Hoo-hoo-hoo! (grabs some firewood)
Zeg ZEEE-E-E-EG!!! (kicks the wood into the fireplace, starting the fire)
Starla Yeee-haw!!
She tosses the stockings onto the fireplace with her lasso.
Darington (sings:) Daringtooooooon!!!! (puts candy canes in the stockings)
Pickle decorates the Christmas tree.
Pickle (giggles)
Watts Electric… CHARGE!!! (uses her electricity to turn on the lights)
Blaze Tree topper, comin' up!
He leaps up and puts the star on the top of the tree.
Blaze Whoo-hoo!
AJ Yeah-heh!
They approach the sleigh, where AJ dismounts.
AJ Hey, check it out! It's Christmastime!
Blaze We're in the North Pole, helping someone special get ready for his big trip around the world. It's…
Santa (offscreen) Ho ho ho! (flips into view)
All SANTA!!!
(Santa expertly flips down to them.)
All (cheering)
Darington Great news, Santa! Everything's ready for Christmas!
AJ Yeah! The decorations are hung…
Gabby (giggles) The reindeer have been fed…
Reindeer 1 Mmm!
Zeg And sleigh full of presents! (flips down from the sleigh)
Santa Ho ho! That’s wonderful. Now there’s only one thing left to do-- we need to check… my list!
The list magically unfolds and lists several trucks, along with three stars beside many of them.
All Ooooh.../Wow!
Santa Ho ho ho ho… this is the list of everyone who's getting presents on Christmas!
Crusher (barges forward) Presents?! Did someone say "presents"!!?! (giggles) I LOVE presents!!!!
Blaze Hey, Santa. What are all those stars for?
Santa Ah. Those, Blaze, are kindness stars. Whenever a person does something kind, they earn a star on my list.
AJ (sees Blaze's picture and stars) Ooh, look! That's you, Blaze!
Blaze Yeah! Let's see how many kindness stars I have. Count with me. One... two... three! Three stars!
Santa Ho ho! Congratulations, Blaze! Earning three stars means you get a present on Christmas!
Others (cheering)
AJ Way to go, Blaze!
Blaze Thanks, everyone! But I'm not the only one with three kindness stars. Look, AJ!
AJ's picture is also on the list.
Blaze You've got three stars, too!
Shows the following:
Blaze And so does Watts... and Gabby... and Stripes... Darington... Starla... Zeg... and Pickle!
Pickle Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Crusher Ha! I bet I have more kindness stars than anyone!
Pickle Oh, sure, Crusher! You probably did lots of kind things this year.
Crusher (scoffs and giggles) Outta my way, Pickle. Here comes my picture! (drives up to the list) Ha! I've got...
Crusher's picture appears, completely greyscale with...
Crusher Zero stars! (giggles; realizing...) ZERO stars?!?! Oh, no!!!!! B-but that means... (starting to bawl) I... I'm not gonna get a present on Christmas!!! (cries loudly)
Santa There, there, Crusher. It's all right. After all, there's still time to earn your kindness stars.
Crusher (sniffs) There is?
Santa Of course! You just have to do three kind things before Christmas.
Crusher Oh... but Santa, I don't know if I can!
Blaze Sure you can, Crusher!
AJ Yeah! We can help you earn those kindness stars!
Santa So, Crusher? What do you say?
Crusher Well, I say... let's do it! Time to show the world that Crusher can be kind!
They leave.
All others (cheering)
Santa Good luck, Crusher!
All others (cheering)
Travel song starts.
Blaze and AJ Whoa...

Let's Blaze!
Let's Blaze!
Let's Blaze!
Let's Blaze!

Song ends.
Blaze Remember, Crusher: To get on Santa's list, you have to do three kind things before Christmas.
Crusher Ooh! I've got an idea! Maybe there's something kind I can do over here!
He falls right off a cliff.
He stops in front of an egg in the snow.
Crusher That's weird.
AJ Crusher, what did you find?
Crusher I-it looks like... an egg! But... eggs have baby birds inside! And baby birds belong in nests! Not in the snow!
Blaze Hmm... let's see if we can find the egg's parents.
AJ Switching to Visor View.
He deploys his visor; cut to a visor shot of the forest ahead.
AJ Look carefully. When you see birds, say "Birds."
After some time, two birds are spotted near a giant Christmas tree; viewer responds.
AJ Birds!
Red bird Tweet!
Blue bird Tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet!
Blaze Gaskets! Those birds must be the little egg's mom and dad!
Blue bird Tweet!
AJ They sound worried!
Red bird Tweet!
Crusher Oh, poor little egg. Someone really oughta take you home.
Blaze Crusher, that's a great idea!
Crusher I-it is?
AJ Yeah! We can take the little egg home!
Blaze Come on, Crusher! This way!
They drive.
Crusher Ha-ha! Look at me! I'm doin' it! I'm bringin' the egg back to its nest! Nothing's gonna stop me now!
Or can something? Growling and laughing is heard.
Crusher Except maybe those... JINGLE BEARS!!
A whole horde of them burst out of the snowbanks behind them and give chase.
Crusher AGH!!
AJ Oh, man! These jingle bears are fast!
Indeed they are.
Blaze Let's count to see how many are chasing us. Count with me. One, two, three, four, five, six!
Crusher Six?! Oh, that's a lot of jingle bears!
AJ Hey, I've got an idea! Look!
Up ahead is a chocolate river with a ramp in front.
AJ Maybe we can get away from some if we jump over that chocolate river!
Blaze Yeah! C'mon, Crusheer, let's go for it!
Crusher (gulps) Hang on, little egg...!
They jump.
Blaze, Crusher (cheering, yelping respectively)
Crusher Look, eggy! We made it!
Four jingle bears make it over as well; but the last two don't have much luck and splash into the chocolate.
AJ Look! Some of the jingle bears didn't make it!
Blaze There were six bears, but two of 'em didn't make it across the river. Let's count how many are left. Count with me. One, two, three, four!
One of the bears laughs.
AJ Quick! Let's see if the jingle bears can't follow us down a big, snowy hill!
One is up ahead.
Crusher Okay, egg. Here goes nothing!
They jump on giant peppermints and ride downhill.
Blaze, AJ, Crusher (cheering, yelping respectively)
They reach the bottom.
AJ All right!
Blaze Way to go, Crusher!
The jingle bears ride downhill as well; only two of them don't make it and end up in snowballs.
AJ And look! Two more jingle bears fell in the snow! Let's see how many bears are still chasing us. Count with me. One, two!
Blaze Just two jingle bears left!
They snicker.
Crusher Agh!! But they're right behind us!
Blaze Hang on, Crusher! I don't think think those jingle bears can follow us through... a giant loop-de-loop!
He spots one ahead.
Crusher Whoa...! That's really big! But I've gotta do it, for you, little eggy!
Blaze Whooooo-hoo-hoo!!!
They loop right through.
Crusher (yelling loudly)
Blaze Yeah-heh!
AJ You did it, Crusher!
The bears try to loop, but only make it partway and fall.
Crusher Look! The jingle bears didn't make it through the loop-de-loop!
Tweeting is heard.
Blaze And check out who's over there!
Up ahead is the tree where the birds are found.
Crusher It's the little egg's parents!
Red bird Tweet-tweet! Twee-ee-eet!
Crusher Here you go, birds. This belongs to you.
He puts the egg in the nest.
Red bird Tweet, tweet, tweet! (hugs it)
AJ All right!
Blaze You did it, Crusher! You brought their egg back!
Crusher Huh. I guess I did. Well... so long, eggy. I just wish I can be here when you finally --
To his surprise, the egg wiggles.
Crusher (gasps) Hatch! (giggles)
It hatches, revealing the baby bird.
Baby bird (yawns) Tweet-tweet-tweet-tweet-tweet!
Bird parents (excited tweeting)
Baby bird Twee-ee-eet!
Blaze, AJ, Crusher Aww!
Crusher Baby bird, you're so cute!
The baby bird kisses him.
Crusher (giggles) You're welcome, little guy!
The birds leave; AJ's tablet rings.
AJ Hey, look! We're getting a call!
Santa is on the other line.
Santa Ho-ho-ho!
AJ It's Santa!
Crusher Santa?!
Santa Hello, Crusher! There's something I thought you should see...
On the list, a star lights up next to Crusher's picture.
Crusher (giggles) I did it! I got my first kindness star!
Santa Congratulations, Crusher! Bringing that egg home was very kind!
Pickle This is great! You just need two more stars!
Santa You can do it, Crusher! I believe in you!
The call ends.
Crusher Whoa... I hope Santa's right...!
Blaze (As AJ rebounds) Don't worry, Crusher. We'll help you earn those stars.
AJ Yeah! You can count on us!
They go on their way; STEM song starts.
Blaze (singing offscreen:) Count three snowballs in that snowman
AJ Four penguins waving hi
Blaze, AJ How many snowflakes are falling?
Crusher I don't think ANYONE can count THAT high!
Blaze Count five yummy candy canes
AJ Twelve ornaments on the tree
Blaze, AJ Count seven (seven), cookies (cookies)
Crusher I sure hope one of them's for me!!!
Blaze, AJ Yeah, now we're, (one, two, three) counting Christmas (four, five, six)
Yeah we're (seven, eight, nine) counting Christmas (ten, eleven)
Start at the first
Blaze, AJ, Crusher Stop at the last
Blaze, AJ Count each object once, how many is that?
Yeah we're, (one, two, three) counting Christmas (four, five, six)
Yeah we're (seven, eight, nine)
Blaze, AJ, Crusher Counting Christmas (ten, eleven)
Blaze, AJ Having so much fun
Crusher And trying our best!
Blaze, AJ Yeah, now we're, (one, two, three) counting
Blaze, AJ, Crusher Counting Christmas!
Song ends. Some time later, barking is heard.
Crusher Hey, do you hear that?
They reach a decorated doghouse.
AJ Ooh, look over there! That dog's decorating his house for Christmas!
Blaze Whoa, check out that great big stocking he made! It's got pictures on it of doggy treats, and doggy snowmen, even a doggy Santa!
Crusher (scoffs) Looks like that pup's gonna have a merry Christmas.
The wind blows; the dog is worried. The gust picks up long enough to carry the stocking with it.
AJ Oh, no! The wind just blew his stocking away!
Blaze And it's headed for the top of that gingerbread mountain!
It lands at the top; the dog is sad.
Crusher Aww. It's okay, little fella. I-I bet one day, someone'll climb up there and get your stocking back.
Blaze Crusher, you're a genius!
Crusher I am?
AJ Yeah! We can climb up and get the stocking back!
Crusher Gee, I-I guess we could, but I...
The dog barks in agreement.
Blaze Come on, everyone! This way!
They reach the mountain.
AJ Whoa... that's a big gingerbread mountain!
Crusher Okay, stand back, everyone! I've got this!
He jumps on one of the shaped candy rocks.
Crusher See? Haha! What did I tell ya? I'm great at climbing --
Suddenly, the candy shakes and breaks into pieces; he falls.
Crusher (yelps loudly; mumbles tiredly)
He bumps into a sign exposing the red square on it.
Blaze Hey, look! There's a sign with instructions on it! It says to go up Gingerbread Mountain, we have to climb on the candy shaped like squares.
Blaze Help us look. When you see a candy shaped like a square, say "Square."
The view pans up the mountain for some time. After a while, a square appears; viewer responds.
Blaze Square! This way, Crusher! Whooooo-hoo-hoo!!!
They jump on the square.
Crusher (yelps)
Blaze Yeah-heh! Come on, let's look for another square so we can climb higher. When you see a square, say "Square."
Time passes, a square appears; viewer responds.
Blaze Square! Follow me, Crusher! Whoo-hoo!
They jump and land.
Crusher Whee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!
AJ Nice jump, everyone!
Crusher (gasps) And look! We've almost made it to the little dog's stocking!
Blaze We just need to go a little higher. Look carefully. When you see a square, say "Square."
Time passes, one more square appears; viewer responds.
Blaze Square! Yeah!
Crusher Ulp... that's gonna take a big jump... but I've gotta try!
AJ Go for it, Crusher!
He bounces up to the square.
Crusher Ya-hah-hay!
He jumps one more time...
Crusher I... GOT IT!!!
...and grabs the stocking!
Blaze Yeah-heh!
AJ Way to go!
Blaze Now, let's get this stocking back to the puppy!
They jump back down; Blaze honks signalling to the dog their return.
Crusher (singy-songy) Hey, puppy! Look what we've got!
He puts the stocking back in place.
Crusher Your stocking!
The dog is happy and licks him a kiss.
Crusher (giggles) Aww! (giggles more) You're welcome, little guy!
AJ's tablet rings; he dismounts.
AJ Look! We're getting another call!
It is...
Crusher (gasps) Santa!
Santa Ho ho ho! Take a look, Crusher!
Another star is filled in.
Santa For helping that puppy, you've earned another kindness star! Well done! But to earn that last star, you'll have to hurry!
Pickle Ah! Santa's right, Crusher! It's almost Christmas!
Crusher Almost Christmas?! (as AJ reboards) Blaze, you've gotta help me!! If I don't earn that last kindness star, I'll never get a present from -- !
Offscreen voice (singy-songy) Santa?!!
Blaze Hang on, Crusher. Look over there!
Up ahead is a baby reindeer.
AJ It's a little reindeer!
Baby Reindeer Santa?!!
They drive over.
Blaze Hey there, little reindeer. What'cha doin'?
Baby Reindeer I'm trying to find Santa's workshop. I'm gonna help pull his sleigh and deliver presents for Christmas!
Blaze Aww, that's nice!
Crusher (to Blaze) Too bad Santa's workshop's on the other side of the North Pole!
Baby Reindeer (gasps) You know how to get to Santa's workshop?! Can you take me there?!
Crusher (mumbles a bit) I guess I could try... Climb aboard, little reindeer!
Baby Reindeer Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! (hops in his trunk) Ya-a-ay!
Blaze Next stop: Santa's workshop!
They begin the return journey.
Baby Reindeer Whee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!
They drive across some ice.
Crusher (yelping loudly)
Baby Reindeer Yeah-heh-heh!
AJ Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Baby Reindeer Wow, there it is...!
Up on the hill is...
Baby Reindeer Santa's workshop!
Crusher See? What did I tell ya, little reindeer?
Storm clouds rumble overhead.
Crusher All we've gotta do now is follow the candy cane road and --
Giant snowballs fall from the clouds.
Blaze Crusher, look out!!
Crusher (yelps)
He is dragged back to Blaze by his tow hook; the snowballs splat hard.
Baby Reindeer Uh-oh! It's... a snowball storm!!
AJ Those are some big snowballs!
Baby Reindeer (worried sigh) I don't think I'll ever get to Santa's workshop, now!
Crusher Hey, don't give up, little reindeer. I said I was gonna get you to Santa, and I'm gonna get you to Santa!
Baby Reindeer Great! So what do we do?
Crusher Uh, Blaze? What do we do?
Blaze I know! We can smash those giant snowballs with these! (picks up a candy cane in the snow) Candy canes!
He demonstrates by jumping and swatting the candy cane at a falling snowball, destroying it.
Crusher Wow!
Baby Reindeer Cool!
Blaze Come on, Crusher! Grab a candy cane and let's get smashin'!
Crusher Oh-ho, yeah!
He does so and they drive; the clouds rumble.
AJ Look out! Six snowballs heading this way!
Crusher Ooh! Blaze! Since there's two of us, let's smash two snowballs at a time!
Blaze Good idea, Crusher! Count by twos with us. Repeat after me.
They jump up and smash them, two at a time.
Blaze, Crusher Two, four, six!
Crusher Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Baby Reindeer That was amazing!
More rumbling.
AJ Uh-oh! Here come eight more snowballs!
Blaze Help us smash two snowballs at a time. Count by twos with us.
They smash them.
Blaze Crusher Two, four, six, eight!
Crusher Ha-ha!
AJ All ri-i-ight!
Crusher We're doing it, little reindeer! We've almost made it through the storm!
More thunder.
Baby Reindeer (gasps) But be careful, Crusher! That looks like ten snowballs!
Blaze Help us smash 'em. Count by twos with us.
They smash the snowballs.
Blaze Crusher Two, four, six, eight, ten!
Crusher Whoo-hoo-hoo!
The clouds clear up; it is now nighttime.
Blaze We did it, Crusher! We made it past the snowball storm!
Baby Reindeer Awesome!
Crusher Y'see, little reindeer? I told you we could get to Santa's workshop before --
Bells are heard ringing.
Crusher (gasps) CHRISTMAS!!
AJ We've gotta hurry! The bells ring when it's almost time for Santa to deliver the presents!
Blaze Looks like we're gonna need... Blazing Speed!
He deploys the engine and fires it up; he infuses Crusher with its energy.
Baby Reindeer Whoa!
Crusher Whoo-hoo!
Blaze To give us Blazing Speed, say "Leeeet's Blaze!"
Blaze, AJ, Crusher, Baby Reindeer Leeeeeet's Blaaaaaaze!!!!!
They unleash the speed and zoom right for the workshop.
Blaze, AJ, Crusher, Baby Reindeer (various cheering and laughing)
In the workshop, the sleigh is being prepared.
Santa Well, reindeer, we'd better get going.
Blaze's horn sounds from outside.
Pickle Santa, wait! Look!
The door opens, letting them in.
Pickle They're back!!
All others (cheering)
Santa Ho ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, friends!
Blaze Merry Christmas, Santa!
Crusher Ooh-ooh-ooh, Santa! B-before you leave, there's someone I want you to meet.
He lets off the baby reindeer.
Santa Well, hello there, little reindeer.
Baby Reindeer Santa, do you think I could help pull your sleigh?
Santa Ho ho! Why of course you can! Welcome to the team!
The adult reindeer cheer.
Baby Reindeer You hear that, Crusher? Thanks to you, I'm gonna be on Santa's sleigh team! You're the kindest Monster Machine I know!
Crusher (giggles as they hug)
Twinkling is heard; Crusher's last star is lighting up.
Blaze (gasps) Crusher, look! Something's happening to the list!
All of the stars are filled in; Crusher's picture becomes colorful.
Blaze You've earned...your last kindness star!
All (cheering)
Crusher Ha-ha! I did it! Oh, thank you, Santa!
Santa Congratulations, Crusher! I'm proud of you!
Gabby Hey, Santa? Shouldn't you get going?
Stripes Yeah, you don't wanna be late delivering presents for Christmas!
Santa Ho ho ho! That's true! But first, I've got an idea. What do you say we all deliver the presents this year?!
All (cheering happily)
Darington Let's do it!!!
Santa's sleigh takes off with Blaze's gang leading the way; a song plays as they deliver presents.
Scott Krippayne It's a Monster Machine Christmas
Gonna rev it red in green
It's a Monster Machine Christmas
On your marks, get set, let's trim the tree

There'll be pistons pumpin', engines rumblin'
Tire tracks in the snow (Ho, ho!)
It's a Monster Machine Christmas
Buckle up, get set, let's roll (Ho, ho, ho!)

The sleigh flies off into the night; iris out on it as the episode ends.

Episode Transcripts
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