Pickle puts on an amazing magic show during a cold Autumn day in Axle City. When Crusher gets a hold of Pickle's special magic wand and accidently makes a huge mistake that lands himself, Darington, and Starla in big trouble, only Blaze and AJ can help Pickle fix the magic spells and save their friends.
Here comes the star of the show, Pickle the Amazing.
Blaze, Darington and Starla are driving in the park. Blaze and AJ greet the viewer and explains that they're on their way to a magic show in a big tent. They take a seat, with Crusher next to them. Then, the show starts with Pickle appearing, Crusher is surprised that Pickle can do magic while a song starts to play. After the show, Crusher believes he can do magic too just like him.
Destruction heads toward the town.
But he says the magic words incorrectly and causes some mishaps such as Darington flying on big balloons, Starla on a tornado of spaghetti, and Crusher rolling on a big pumpkin. Later, Pickle is writing an autograph to a truck who is a fan of him, and he notices that three of the trucks are in danger. Luckily, Blaze, AJ, and Pickle team up to save them.
Meanwhile, Darington is still flying all over Axle City until Blaze and Pickle come to the rescue. While flying, Darington knocks a cement mixture and spills it into the street, They need to cross the cement, like measure, AJ explains that measure shows it figures out how long or how tall something is.
Darington was saved by a mountain of waffles.
Blaze tells the viewer to measure the cement how long it is, the cement was five, next, Darington accidentally slams a load of boxes that block their way, It measures 7 meters long as Pickle makes a giant toy giraffe to go up. Lastly, He flys all the way to a tall building, and it was 14 meters long. Pickle makes a tower of waffles to get up and save Darington, So next they need to save Starla as he comes to join along while the STEM song plays.
Starla was saved...
Meanwhile, Starla who is still in danger passes a few trucks and she passes a factory and spills cotton candy to the trucks and they can't find each other. AJ has an idea, They should build a continuous miner machine, So Blaze transforms into a continuous miner monster machine and finds the rest of the trucks. First, found Darington, Then Pickle, and they finally found Starla who she is still spinning on the spaghetti tornado and Pickle zaps it into a smaller size. Now lastly, they need to rescue Crusher who is still stuck rolling on the pumpkin.
Later at the Carnival, Bark from since he The Super-Size Prize announces the fall festival and sees Crusher on a giant pumpkin and drives away quickly. Blaze and the rest arrive at the carnival where crusher is still rolling on the pumpkin on a rollercoaster, So Blaze and Pickle get on it and save Crusher, but the pumpkin shatters some of the portions of the track.
...and so as Crusher.
So Blaze tells the viewer to choose which piece could fit the hole by measuring it. The first one was four meters long, and the second one was six meters, and the last one was seven meters long. But while rumbling on the track, Crusher was nearly to roll off the end of the track. Blaze and Pickle need to save him quick by using Blazing Speed, So they went around to the end of the track and save Crusher from rolling.
Let's celebrate with a song!
After they saved him, He apologizes for using his magic wand by mistake, Pickle even forgives him and now the reprise of the song plays as they fly on magic carpets.