Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

Axle City Grand Prix Trivia

S2E12 Blaze comes up from behind


  • Stripes, Starla, Darington and Zeg do not appear in this episode.
  • Going by production order, this is the thirteenth episode of the second season.
  • Gabby hasn't used her remote since this episode.
  • For the first time, Crusher uses an item other than his inventions to cheat in a race: Gabby's remote.
  • Third episode where a race takes up the majority of the plot after The Team Truck Challenge and Race to the Top of the World.
  • The runaway Ferris wheel chasing Blaze and the flooded racetrack are one of the few times to show a near-death experience.
  • Gasquatch can be seen in the STEM song.
  • Crusher is already muddy before the episode starts, like what happened in Trouble at the Truck Wash.
  • This is the second time Gabby spends the whole episode with Blaze after Sneezing Cold.
  • Crusher sobbing when he enters the garage is used again in Ninja Blaze.
  • This is the first time the end-of-episode iris out occurs when the final scene doesn't end up with Crusher's running gag.
  • This is the first episode that has a remixed version of the Blazing Speed theme when being used.
  • The scene of Blaze racing on the jumbotron during Bump's first report is used again later on when Crusher sees Blaze escaped the giant pipes.
  • During Bump's explanation, some of the trucks can be seen waving flags with Crusher's lightning bolt emblem on them, suggesting he has at least some fans.
  • This is the only episode to date where Crusher uses a gadget other than his inventions for cheating.
  • If you look closely as the cranes are piling the giant pipes onto the racetrack, the biggest pipe of each pile can be seen as the view pans back.
  • This is one of the many episodes to have a near-death experience or more.

Running Gags[]

  • Every time Crusher uses the stolen remote to get refreshments, the third machine he activates turns out to be used for cleaning purposes. This gag was only used twice instead of three times.
  • Whenever Bump interviews Pickle, the younger Monster Machine is usually eating fruit from a bowl, resulting in either mumbled speeches or random comments aimed more towards the fruit than the race. Bump would usually make awkward attempts to make them fit before the race continues.



  • When AJ is explaining how a speedboat will work, when he says “And the more rotational speed it has…”, for some reason the words “rotational speed” are in ALL CAPS.
  • The captions listed most of the lyrics to both the travel and STEM song incorrectly.
  • Crusher used Gabby's remote to flood the racetrack to stop Blaze, but that would've stopped himself as well since he and the other racers cannot drive on a flooded track either.
  • When Crusher comes into the garage and shows he's dirty, mud is shown dripping off his exhaust pipe but while he is coming in seconds before, the mud is not seen.
  • Gabby suddenly changes from her overalls into her tracksuit between the time Blaze exits the garage and the time he lines up.
  • Gabby's remote increases in size a bit when Crusher holds it.
  • The Ferris wheel starts rolling after Blaze when it breaks free of its post. However, in the scene before, the post was right next to the race track when it broke off, so it should've rolled along the side of the track and not behind Blaze in the first place. 
  • When the camera zooms in on AJ and Gabby during the STEM song when Blaze does several flips, they have their arms up, but in the scenes before and after their arms are down.

Home Media Releases[]



Episode Trivia
Blaze of GloryThe Driving ForceTool DuelThe Bouncy TiresEpic SailStuntmania!The Jungle HornThe Team Truck ChallengeCake-tastrophe!Truckball Team-UpThe Mystery BanditGasquatch!Truck RangersTrouble at the Truck WashZeg and the EggRunaway RocketCattle DriveDragon Island DuelSneezing Cold
Fired Up!Dino DashTruck or Treat!Race to the Top of the WorldMonster Machine ChristmasKnight RidersDarington to the Moon!Piggy 500Spark BugFive Alarm BlazeAxle City Grand PrixTreasure TrackRocket Ski RescueDinosaur ParadeRace Car SuperstarRace to Eagle RockSky TrackThe Wishing WheelPickle Power
DinocoasterThe Hundred Mile RaceThe Polar DerbyLight RidersCatch That Cake!The Bouncing Bull RacetrackMega Mud RobotKnighty KnightsAnimal IslandToucan Do It!Falcon QuestThe Big Ant-ventureReady, Set, Roar!The Great Animal CrownTow Truck ToughRace for the Golden TreasureNeed for Blazing SpeedFast FriendsRaceday RescueDefeat the Cheat
The Chicken Circus!The Pickle Family CampoutRobot PowerBreaking the IceRobots to the RescueThe Super-Size PrizeT-Rex TroubleMeatball MayhemRobots in SpacePower TiresNinja BlazeSnow Day ShowdownConstruction Crew to the RescueOfficer BlazeThe Flying LionRoyal RescueThe 100 Egg ChallengeBlaze and the Magic GenieThe Midnight MileNinja Soup
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Sparkle's Big RescueMail Truck BlazeKnights in Sparkling ArmorThe Snowflake GamesParamedic PowerRenewable Energy RacersMission to MarsThe Flying ContestThe Super SkateboardThe Baby Robot From Outer SpaceThe Yucky DuckyThe Pillow PirateSuper Wheels vs. The BubblemakerSuper Wheels vs. The Green QueenSuper Wheels vs. PancakeioArcade AdventurePickleworld!Super Slide TrophyWild West HeroesFlying Robot RescueThe Ice TreasureMagic Spell MayhemValentine's Day RescueThe Robot ChampionshipSuper Smash RaceSchool Bus Blaze!
The Pirate Grand PrixVideo Game Land: A Monster Machine Super SpecialThe Garbage Truck ChallengeMonster Machine Rescue TeamTrick or Treat TreasureTire Trouble!Tool Truck BlazeBlaze's First RaceGet the Letters to Santa!The Snow, Sea, Sky, RaceThe Super Snowman ContestSpace Mission Blaze
Dino Smash!The Great Train Race