In a news article, this episode shows that Blaze’s friends — including Blaze himself — look the same like they did in the episode The Baby Robot From Outer Space. Also, AJ looks younger, too.
This is another episode to involve three topics, with a previous one being Super Wheels.
The topics represented in this episode could be a throwback to previous Season 1 and Season 2 episodes that share the same topic.
Pickle seems to be the one to inspire Crusher’s cheating, saying, “But Crusher, pressing the button would be CHEATING,” and Crusher saying that he likes the sound of cheating.
This is the third episode to return STEM topics and not sing any STEM songs since Super Wheels.
Running Gags[]
Blaze and his friends saying, “We may be small, but we can do it all!”
Pickle cheering for Crusher, then saying something silly, then that silly thing actually happens.
This episode erases everything from Season 1 episodes 1 and 2: Blaze of Glory. This not only states that Blaze and AJ have lived in Axle City before but also indicates that he and the other racers had been friends since before as well.
This episode goes against Blaze of Glory with Blaze knowing his friends before meeting them in that episode when he met them as adults.
AJ shouldn’t be in the flashback because he is way younger than Blaze and his friends and logically wouldn’t be born yet.
Though then maybe Monster Machines age faster than humans.
In the first two subplots, Pickle’s glove is blue. But in the third one, it changes to green.