Canon PolicyHere at Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki, we only use information gathered from the series itself. We do not use any information from fan written fiction otherwise known as fanon. We also prohibit the use of slang terms as topics of articles. This is not appropriate for this wiki and may result in blockage of the user. Refer to the Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki:FAQ for a discussion of non-canon issues that keep reappearing. Grammar and PunctuationWhen writing articles it is important to follow these rules of the English language:
For a full list visit Capital Community College's Guide to Grammar and Writing LinksTo link to another article inside Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki, you must put [[]] around it. To link to an article in Wikipedia, use wikipedia: and put the article title inside. If an article does not exist by that name, the link will show up as dark red, like this. External links will show up as blue. You only need to link to another page once in any given article. Most of the time this is the first time that article's title comes up, but there are some exceptions to this. Episode Articles
Web pages do not look the same for everyone. Different web browsers will display things different from one another. For example, Firefox may show a sentence wrapping around a picture while Safari does not. Internet Explorer 8 will show a transparent background in a PNG picture while Internet Explorer 6 does not. Monitor sizes and resolutions will also affect how much can be seen at one time. A 15" monitor isn't as wide as a 19" monitor, so web pages will be longer on a 15" monitor than they will on the 19" monitor. Pages on a 19" monitor can also be longer if the resolution is set low. For example, 800x600 instead of 1280x1024. When editing a page, use the following rules:
Naming ArticlesEpisodes![]() Episode articles are named for the episodes precisely as they are presented on-screen. Each episode begins by portraying its title and we must use it exactly as written. Please note that it may be appropriate to create redirects from one or two common misspellings or mis-capitalizations of titles to make users' searches easier. Administrators may move articles without consultation when they don't conform to the Episode Naming Policy. Administrators may move articles without consultation if they do not conform to the Character Naming Policy. SongsSongs are named for the titles as they are shown in the closing credits. Use the song's title in the credits as its official name. Other topicsOther topics should always use lower case letters after the initial capitalization unless the word is always capitalized. Point of ViewArticles on the Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki are written from an in-universe point of view as if the person, object, or event actually existed or occurred.
Real World Point of ViewThe real world point of view applies to articles that are written about production personnel, actors, some songs, or other series information which are not part of the Blaze and the Monster Machines universe. They should be written the same as a standard encyclopedia entry in present day. For all articles where it is necessary to include a link to an external site for a real-world article, use italics for books, movies and songs. Use regular text for all other links. Examples:
EpisodesEpisode articles are a blend of the in-universe and real world points of view. Summaries may be written in present tense and in a novelization style if desired but should otherwise maintain an in-universe point of view. Infoboxes and all other sections are written from the real world point of view. The intro will be a brief and general summary on the article. Song LyricsArticles for song lyrics include a summary of the episode(s) the song appears in, followed by the lyrics and any background or other information relating to the song. When typing the lyrics, follow this format:
SourcesWhen writing an article, you must cite a source. This involves adding the episode name after the sentence(s). If the source is not an episode, book, etc., but an interview or something like this, you must cite it via reference tags. If you use any resource outside of the show, please list your sources in a section titled "Sources" at the end of the article. SpoilersWe only use information from material that has already aired on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. in the United States. If you wish to include information from an unaired episode, you must mark the article with the appropriate tags.
Please keep this information to a minimum and try to only include verified information and not idle speculation. Some users do not want any information about upcoming episodes and we must respect that. See also |
Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki:Manual of Style