Gabby, Stripes, Starla and Darington don't appear in this episode.
Going by production order, this is the fourth episode of the second season.
This is the first episode that Crusher and Pickle's subplot doesn't relate with the main story at all.
It's also the second episode after Cattle Drive that Blaze and Crusher don't see each other or interact with each other at all.
This is the first episode that Blaze transforms three times.
This is also the first episode with more than one transformation.
Blaze's transformation scenes are different in this episode. To fit with the episode's topic, he thinks of what part should go on and its outline appears. Usually, all outlines of the parts are shown as he describes them.
Part of the Rev Up and Roar DVD.
When Blaze encounters the mud bubbles, he utters "Yee-ah!"; the sound clip was recycled from Blaze of Glory when he gets diverted by falling rocks. It is used again in Toucan Do It!.
This is the last appearance of Dinosaur Valley until T-Rex Trouble.
This is the first time a Monster Machine gets stuck in sticky mud; in this case it's Zeg. The second would be Blaze in AJ to the Rescue.
Fluffy’s next appearance is to be a parade participant in Dinosaur Parade.
This is one of the two episodes where Crusher and Pickle's subplots don't appear before going to the third location, the other is T-Rex Trouble.
This is the first episode to use the Jacquez Swanigan version of Let's Blaze.
Parts of this episode were recreated in stop motion by the Toymation YouTube channel in 2020.
Running Gags[]
Every time Pickle reveals a T-rex fact, Crusher tries to one-up Fluffy with results that prove him wrong and humiliate him.
The title is a reference to the long-running computer game series, Diner Dash.
Just before Fluffy's arrival, the ground shakes and makes the water in a puddle ripple, like what happens in the movie Jurassic Park. Even the music that plays during that scene is reminiscent of the movie.
Blaze has his Season 1 face whenever he transforms into a dinosaur form.
When the STEM song begins, when Blaze wags his ankylosaurus tail, one square of his grille becomes black for a split second. The same happened in Dragon Island Duel.
When Zeg says “Zeg happy to be back too”, the captions list “back” as “bag”.