Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

Dragon Island Duel Trivia

S1E19 AJ runs through the jungle


  • Gabby, Stripes, Starla, Darington and Zeg don't appear in this episode.
  • Going by production order, this is the eighteenth episode of the first season.
  • Despite this episode aired in 2015, it was produced in 2014 according to the end credits.
  • This episode shows AJ as the main protagonist instead of Blaze. This later happens in AJ to the Rescue.
    • This marks the first time Blaze and AJ are separated from each other for the majority of the episode.
    • This is the first episode where AJ has more interaction with the viewer than Blaze. Blaze doesn’t even interact with the viewer until later in the episode while trying to find a way out of the cave.
      • It's also the first episode where Blaze has a supporting role, due to AJ taking up most of the screen time.
  • The rocket in a picture shown by Pickle was previously seen in Runaway Rocket.
  • AJ's attempts to stop the laser bugs' laser lights were:
    • A stick (failed)
    • A pipe (failed)
    • A mirror (succeeded)
  • This is the final time Dusan Brown voices AJ due to experiencing puberty and going on to star in The Lion Guard. Caleel Harris will take over for the next episode through Defeat the Cheat.
  • This is the longest time AJ doesn’t wear his helmet.
  • This is the first (and only) appearance of Dragon Island to date, aside from a selectable racetrack in the app based on this episode.
  • This is the last episode to premiere before Nick's 2015 redesign to match the style of the Nick Jr. app.
  • This is the last episode to use the Dusan Brown version of Let's Blaze.
  • This is the third, and so far, last episode to date that AJ requests Blazing Speed instead of Blaze, following The Driving Force and Tool Duel, until AJ to the Rescue.
  • Reece, Debris and Ferris can be seen in the crowd at the Dragon Island Duel.
  • As said before, the game Dragon Island Race is based on this episode.
  • Blaze gets mud on his fender and AJ wipes it off, the same happened in The Driving Force. The difference is, he gets mud on his right side (viewer’s left) here, while from the previous time, he gets it on his left (viewer’s right).
  • This is the first episode to air at 11:00 AM.
  • This is the second episode where only Blaze, AJ, Crusher and Pickle appear without the others after The Team Truck Challenge.
    • And coincidentally, both involve a race.
  • Third episode where Blaze doesn’t greet the viewer after Tool Duel and Cake-tastrophe!
  • This is the first episode to air on Memorial Day.
  • This is the last episode where a transformation request starts with “To build...” instead of “To make...”.
  • Unlike other episode title cards, this one has a unique animation: each word flies in one at a time as Blaze reads them, before they shine. In all other episodes, the title materializes itself with all the words at once.
  • This is one of the few episodes where Crusher's invention results in a near-death experience.

Running Gags[]

  • Blaze and AJ repeatedly telling themselves that they're best friends and nothing beats best friends.
  • Crusher crashing into a coconut tree and getting covered with coconuts.


  • The music played when the laser bugs fly off sounds like Flight of the Bumblebee, a famous music piece written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.


  • When AJ wipes the mud off of Blaze’s fender, he doesn’t feel ticklish and laugh unlike what happened in The Driving Force. But if not a goof, it’s possible that he wasn’t ticklish at this time on the side he got muddy on.
  • While Crusher is laughing after splattering Blaze with mud, his tires are spinning the wrong way.
  • Blaze's call to AJ worked perfectly in the cave, where he would've gotten minimal or no reception at all.
  • When the robo-bouncy ball is constructed and Crusher says "A robo-bouncy ball!", when the camera cuts to he and Crusher midway through the line, his mouth doesn't move.
  • At the moment where Blaze gets trapped in the robo-bouncy ball, Crusher and Pickle appear to be frozen.
  • When Blaze says to the viewer "Did the hammer break through the rock?", one square of his grille becomes black for a split second.
  • Like said below, since Blaze has the ability to transform into anything, he should've just turned into a roadheader tunneling machine and drilled right out of the cave even before AJ sets off to save him.
  • Irony: Blaze could've transformed into something to free himself before AJ arrived (see below).
    • Probably because he didn't know what to transform into until AJ came in the cave.
  • Only AJ sings the STEM song; however, the captions indicate that many children sang it.

Home Media Releases[]



Episode Trivia
Blaze of GloryThe Driving ForceTool DuelThe Bouncy TiresEpic SailStuntmania!The Jungle HornThe Team Truck ChallengeCake-tastrophe!Truckball Team-UpThe Mystery BanditGasquatch!Truck RangersTrouble at the Truck WashZeg and the EggRunaway RocketCattle DriveDragon Island DuelSneezing Cold
Fired Up!Dino DashTruck or Treat!Race to the Top of the WorldMonster Machine ChristmasKnight RidersDarington to the Moon!Piggy 500Spark BugFive Alarm BlazeAxle City Grand PrixTreasure TrackRocket Ski RescueDinosaur ParadeRace Car SuperstarRace to Eagle RockSky TrackThe Wishing WheelPickle Power
DinocoasterThe Hundred Mile RaceThe Polar DerbyLight RidersCatch That Cake!The Bouncing Bull RacetrackMega Mud RobotKnighty KnightsAnimal IslandToucan Do It!Falcon QuestThe Big Ant-ventureReady, Set, Roar!The Great Animal CrownTow Truck ToughRace for the Golden TreasureNeed for Blazing SpeedFast FriendsRaceday RescueDefeat the Cheat
The Chicken Circus!The Pickle Family CampoutRobot PowerBreaking the IceRobots to the RescueThe Super-Size PrizeT-Rex TroubleMeatball MayhemRobots in SpacePower TiresNinja BlazeSnow Day ShowdownConstruction Crew to the RescueOfficer BlazeThe Flying LionRoyal RescueThe 100 Egg ChallengeBlaze and the Magic GenieThe Midnight MileNinja Soup
The Island of Lost TreasureAJ to the RescueThe Trophy ChaseBabysitting HeroesAbra-Ka-Pickle!Toy Trouble!Deep Sea Grand PrixRecycling Power!The Great Space RaceIce Cream Monster MachineThe Mechanic Team!Blazing Amazing StoriesBig Rig BlazeThe Big Balloon RescueSpace Alien Adventure!Video Game HeroesThe Race Around the EarthThe Blaze FamilyThe Treat ThiefThe Gold Medal Games
Big Rig to the Rescue!Dino DerbyThe Amazing Stunt KittySir Blaze and the UnicornSparkle's Racing BadgeRace to Sky High MountainThe Puppy ChaseFirefighters to the RescueThe Construction ContestStarla's Wild West BirthdayRace to the Golden GiftThe Tiger TreasureThe Boingies!The Snow SpectacularSnow Rescue BlazeSpecial Mission BlazeThe Fastest of Them AllMegabot!The Treasure of the Broken Key: A Musical AdventureLifeguard BlazeCampfire Stories!Super WheelsThe Great Pizza RaceMonster Machine HalloweenA Blazing Amazing ChristmasBig Rig: Dolphin Delivery
Sparkle's Big RescueMail Truck BlazeKnights in Sparkling ArmorThe Snowflake GamesParamedic PowerRenewable Energy RacersMission to MarsThe Flying ContestThe Super SkateboardThe Baby Robot From Outer SpaceThe Yucky DuckyThe Pillow PirateSuper Wheels vs. The BubblemakerSuper Wheels vs. The Green QueenSuper Wheels vs. PancakeioArcade AdventurePickleworld!Super Slide TrophyWild West HeroesFlying Robot RescueThe Ice TreasureMagic Spell MayhemValentine's Day RescueThe Robot ChampionshipSuper Smash RaceSchool Bus Blaze!
The Pirate Grand PrixVideo Game Land: A Monster Machine Super SpecialThe Garbage Truck ChallengeMonster Machine Rescue TeamTrick or Treat TreasureTire Trouble!Tool Truck BlazeBlaze's First RaceGet the Letters to Santa!The Snow, Sea, Sky, RaceThe Super Snowman ContestSpace Mission Blaze
Dino Smash!The Great Train Race