Monster Machine Rescue Team Trivia
- Blaze is getting another badge like he did in Truck Rangers, Fired Up!, Lifeguard Blaze and in Sparkle's Racing Badge.
- Officer Anna returns in this episode since The Treat Thief, back in season 5.
- Blazing Speed is unused in this episode. This also happened in Super Wheels vs. Pancakeio, Super Wheels vs. The Green Queen, Super Wheels vs. The Bubblemaker, Super Wheels, Truck or Treat! and Zeg and the Egg.
- Blaze is doing three rescues like he did in The Mechanic Team!, Robots to the Rescue and in Mail Truck Blaze.
- When Blaze and AJ were saving the truck’s puppies, one of them looked like Chassis from The Puppy Chase.
- Similarly in Officer Blaze, Blaze and AJ had to look for an empty lane. But this time, there were colored roads instead of numbers.
- Blaze turned into a police car, ambulance, and firetruck like he did in Officer Blaze, The Treat Thief, Paramedic Power, Fired Up!, Five Alarm Blaze, and Firefighters to the Rescue.
Running Gags[]
- Crusher earning an unusual ability badge.
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