When Blaze, AJ, and Gabby get three emergency calls from Stripes, Starla and Darington, they will have to become the ultimate team of paramedics to provide them with the right aids.
Blaze is going for a drive with Gabby and AJ, when AJ’s tablet makes an emergency call. AJ says that there’s not just one emergency, but three! The first call is from Stripes, who’s rubbing his head in extreme pain. He explains that he was climbing a tree, when the branch broke, he fell, and now he has a big bump on his head. The second call is from Starla, who can’t stop bouncing for an unknown reason. The final call is from “your old pal Darington.” He says he’s about to do his greatest stunt ever, but he has a hole in his tire and can’t do the stunt until it’s fixed! Blaze tells them not to worry, and that him, AJ and Gabby will help. To help, AJ decides that him and Gabby will become Paramedics, and Blaze will become Ambulance Blaze. Gabby explains that Paramedics are people who help people with emergencies. Blaze adds that they always get there fast, because they ride in an ambulance! They ride away while Paramedic Power (song) plays. Meanwhile, Pickle is pretending to be an ambulance, while Crusher is pretending to be a paramedic. Crusher says he wants to help with a medical emergency, so Pickle uses his stuffed monkey Marge to make his wish come true. Crusher says she’s in good hands since she’s with Paramedic Crusher. He then asks Pickle to hand him a thermometer, but Pickle gives him a mop, then a toothbrush. Crusher takes out an actual thermometer (or so he thinks), but it turns out to be a HAMBURGER thermometer, which launches many hamburgers at Crusher, to his disgust. Meanwhile, the paramedics are on their way to help Stripes. HOWEVER, the “mountains” they are about to cross are actually VOLCANOES! They launch HUGE balls of lava at the paramedics. They decide to cool the lava with ice packs. Gabby explains what an ice pack is, and Blaze says he needs to use his Ambulance Ice Pack Launcher to cool the lava. With the viewer’s help, they were able to cool the lava and help Stripes with his bump with another ice pack. Meanwhile, Crusher helps Marge (or rather, attempts to help) with another medical emergency, but instead of a flashlight, Pickle hands him a sandwich, and a spoon. Crusher then takes out what he thinks is a flashlight, but it’s actually a TOOTHPASTE flashlight, which covers him in toothpaste, to Crusher’s disgust. REST TBA