Gabby, Stripes, Starla, Darington, Zeg, Crusher and Pickle don't appear in this episode.
This is the only episode to feature no other main characters aside from Blaze and AJ.
This is the second episode where Pickle is absent after Rocket Ski Rescue.
This is the first episode that Crusher is absent.
Although Crusher was absent, his role of the antagonist was taken up by Speedrick.
Going by production order, this is the seventeenth episode of the second season.
This is the second time AJ introduces the viewers by himself since Knight Riders.
This is the first "Race Car Adventures" episode.
This is also the first episode of the first miniseries of the whole show.
Part of the Race to Velocityville DVD.
Speedrick is the third character with hair or fur after Joe and Gasquatch (although Speedrick is a race car instead of the usual trucks).
This is the second episode where Blaze is sad, as shown when he sees Speedrick get away in the tunnel. The first was Truckball Team-Up.
The shot of Blaze driving down a hill at the end of the STEM song is used again when he leaves the snake cave.
This is the only Race Car Adventures episode where Blaze enters VelocityVille in his normal truck form before being a race car. Future episodes have him transform from Swoops before setting his tires on VelocityVille's tracks.
AJ’s suit when Blaze is a race car is his superhero costume from Truck or Treat!, but with the cape and belt removed.
This is the only time Blaze goes to VelocityVille alone.
This is the only episode where Blaze and AJ don't get to sing at all, as both the travel song and STEM song were not recorded by their voice actors.
Running Gags[]
Speedrick's hair getting all messed up.
Blaze bears even more resemblance to Lightning McQueen from the Disney/Pixar Cars franchise, as a race car.
The other racers also bear very huge resemblances to the "Next-Gen" racers from Cars 3 (although the official trailer of that film did not exist until November 21, 2016).
Blaze's line "That's no mountain, it's a volcano!" was inspired by the famous line "That's no moon, that's a space station" from Star Wars: A New Hope. AJ later says the same line in The Pickle Family Campout.