When the slippery slime blasters were created to stop Blaze and his friends, Crusher tells them to "give them the slip". Blaze said the exact same thing in Sneezing Cold.
One of few episodes where the Monster Machines were unaware of one of Crusher's schemes.
Crusher's obsession with ice cream is shown again.
Darington, Zeg and Starla's last appearance in Season 2.
This is the first episode to feature Reed L. Shannon as AJ's singing voice. Shannon would continue into The Mechanic Team! before retiring due to puberty, Ramone Hamilton taking over afterwards.
This also marks the 1st time Crusher makes up jokes after he does all his cheats.
This marks the earliest occurrence to use surreal music video effects during a song sequence; in this case, the velocity indicators about Blaze and the others during the STEM song. The music video effects will make a proper debut in Season 4 starting with Robot Power.
Running Gags[]
Crusher adding more food and then it falls all over him.
The Monster Machines being diverted off-course by Crusher.
The scene where Blaze and his friends enter a cave and hear clucking noises and Darington and Stripes thought it was lions or bears, before Starla mentions giant chickens is similar to The Wizard of Oz.
In this episode, Crusher doesn't know what a pineapple is, but he did in The Driving Force and constructs a giant pineapple blaster in return.
When the Monster Machines activate Blazing Speed and they race into a tunnel, Blaze's spoiler is retracted, but the contrail still forms behind him.
Crusher couldn't have sawed the race track unless it was made of wood, which is unsafe to drive on if it isn't thick enough. Also, judging by the thickness of the track after it was broken, he wouldn't have been able to saw it since the saw couldn't pass all the way through.
The Monster Machines should've gotten a little suspicious when they saw the sign flipped around to point toward the cave where they encounter the giant chickens, as it wasn't on the race route as Swoops pointed out at the start of the episode. Also, AJ should've used his Visor View to scan the track to see if it is the way to go, but somehow he didn't.
The other race cars besides the Monster Machines and Crusher suddenly disappear for the rest of the race after the travel song. Though it's possible that they must've gotten a little too far away from them.