This is the first episode to air after Nick Jr.'s 2018 rebrand, giving the bumpers and pre-show curriculum boards new 3D designs.
Second episode to have the word "power" in the title after Pickle Power.
This is one of few episodes where Crusher makes an invention that is not for cheating.
The Axle City Garage appears for the first time in Season 4, and is redesigned slightly. Outside, there is only one tree instead of two to the left of the entrance, and the trees on the right are removed. Inside, a checkered flag motif is painted above the door, the slide is gone, the glass walls are more tiled, the windows on the back wall were removed, and the garage doors are painted red like they are on the outside instead of blue.
The “feed it something it can’t chomp” scenario is reused from Tool Duel, though the viewer question is reversed; in the former, Blaze asks the viewer if the robot chomped the object; here, he asks the viewer if the robot will be able to chomp the object.
This is the only appearance of the Monster Dome in Season 4.
The robot is Blaze’s third-largest transformation, losing only to the tower crane in Piggy 500 and the gantry crane in The Flying Lion.
A few weeks after its second release on, the cliffhanger fade-outs were excluded. But when it aired on Treehouse TV, it left the cliffhanger fade-outs intact.
This is the second and last episode this season that Blaze describes the STEM concept after The Chicken Circus!. In all other episodes, AJ describes it.
This is also the final time to date Blaze describes the concept himself.
This is the first time Crusher builds something offscreen.
This is the first episode to use surreal music video effects during a song.
The Wrecking Robots are the first inventions made by Crusher not to be constructed out of junk from his bags. Instead, Crusher makes them out of parts lying around the Axle City Garage. The Wrecking Robots also don't simply fall apart as junk when defeated, instead simply vaporizing in large clouds of dust.
Parts of this episode were recreated in stop motion by the Toymation YouTube channel in 2020.
Running Gags[]
Pickle giving Crusher a food that’s not what he asked for.
The wrecking robots causing havoc across Axle City.
Blaze's robot form and transformation sequence bear much resemblance to the Autobots from Transformers.
That is because this miniseries was designed after them.
The melody of Robot Power is similar to "We Build This City" by Starship.
Crusher says he doesn’t know how to make robots, but he’s built robots before, the bigfoot robot all the way back from The Driving Force, for example. Though it's completely possible that this could take place before that said other episode.
The slide inside the Axle City Garage is missing.
When the episode was re-released on and the Nick Jr. app on October 29, 2018, when viewed on the latter only the first fifteen seconds or so of the second part (after the first cliffhanger fade-out) can be seen (right when Blaze says “Feed it something it can’t chomp”) before it immediately skips to the third. The glitch was fixed on November 16.