- This is the fifth time Crusher builds a machine to send anyone away. Previously, it happened in The Flying Contest.
- This is the second episode to teach 'Impact' as a STEM concept after Monster Machine Halloween.
- Blaze and Zeg smash for the second time since Zeg and the Egg, where they played Smash.
- Blaze turned into a wrecking ball crane also for the second time since he, his parents, Sparkle, and Starla did in The Driving Force, Construction Crew to the Rescue, The Blaze Family and The Construction Contest but when they did, no one became wrecking balls.
- The Rocket Pizza Tray is a bigger version of the Robo Plate from Catch That Cake!.
- This is the first time Blaze does a combo transformation with someone else, aka Zeg.
- The Giant Wall Bots are similar to the Humongo-Walls that Lazard sent in the first Animal Island episode.
- Instead of Blaze, Zeg reads the title card. This is the many episodes where a character other than Blaze reads the title card.
- Some scenes from this episode were seen in a YouTube video on the series' own channel.
Running Gags[]
- Pickle mentioning food in a random box, attracting Crusher to smash it.
- Crusher smashing a box and getting covered in pickle-related food.
- The title is a reference to the Nintendo game, Super Smash Bros.