Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

The 100 Egg Challenge
The 100 Egg Challenge title card
Season: 4
Episode Number: 17
Production Code: #419
Topic(s): Math
Songs: Blaze On
Transformation: Power sheers
Cheats: Giant robot gopher
Airing Information
Original airdate: April 12, 2019
Written by: Jeff Borkin
Stacey Greenberger
Directed by: Marcelo Ortiz
Miguel Martinez-Joffre
Royal Rescue
Blaze and the Magic Genie
"Let's get crackin'!"

The 100 Egg Challenge is the 17th episode in Season 4 of Blaze and the Monster Machines.


On the first day of spring in Axle City, Blaze and Crusher go on a very special egg hunt to see who can find a total of 100 eggs.


S4E17 Blaze, AJ and Crusher admire the chocolate trophy

Blaze and Crusher get ready for the 100 Egg Challenge.

Bump Bumperman begins by announcing today is an event where two trucks have to race around Axle City and uncover hiding eggs. To win, they need to find 100 eggs; it's the 100 Egg Challenge.

Blaze and Crusher are announced as the challenge's competitors. While Blaze is sure he and AJ will win if they work together, Crusher is ever determined he will be the winner. When he wonders what the prize will be, Bump announces it as a delicious trophy known as the chocolate trophy, which Crusher desperately wants.

S4E17 Blaze collecting the eggs

While Blaze manages to find some eggs...

The race begins, and soon Blaze and Crusher start hunting for eggs as Blaze On is heard. After finding some, AJ uses a calculator to add up the amounts found, which come to 20 total. Blaze then spots a toy factory nearby which they can search for eggs in. Blaze finds all the hidden eggs with help from the viewers, and AJ adds them up with the calculator to bring their total to 44.

S4E17 Pickle shows a third flower

...Crusher ends up smelling weird scented flowers with Pickle.

Meanwhile, Crusher is hunting for eggs when he encounters Pickle dressed as a flower. Pickle says it's spring when all the flowers bloom, and they smell so nice. When he sniffs some flowers, he points out they smell like various foods, which Crusher finds interesting, but when he shoves Pickle away to smell a flower himself, he finds it smells like stinky cheese, which disgusts him.

S4E17 More eggs land in the pillow

Blaze saves some eggs from breaking at the construction site.

Blaze comes to a construction site, where he finds a pile of eggs in a box that accidentally get scooped up by cranes. When Blaze pursues one of them, it begins sounding an alarm, meaning it will drop the eggs any minute, and if the eggs hit the ground, they'll break. So Blaze decides to catch them with something soft. Blaze finds a soft thing with help from the viewers and catches the eggs just in time. He does the same with the other two sets, and when AJ calculates, their total has come to 70, only a few away from 100. Blaze and AJ continue finding more eggs as the Addition song is heard.

S4E17 Blaze "That's a lot of eggs"

Both Blaze and Crusher are only one egg away.

Crusher encounters Pickle again, still smelling food scented flowers. When Crusher smells one, it smells like a banana peel to his shock, and he reverses right into Blaze, who learned he found as much eggs as he did. But since Crusher does not know how many eggs he found, AJ offers him the calculator which he uses. Crusher learns he found 99, which is one away from 100. After Crusher leaves, AJ does the calculation on their own egg pile and learn they have 99 too; whoever finds the next egg wins the chocolate trophy.

S4E17 Blaze chopping the onions

Blaze chops giant vegetables thrown by Crusher's robot gopher.

AJ uses his Visor View and finds the last egg bouncing on a fountain in the park, but Crusher is not as glad when he hears Blaze coming to get it. To stop him, Crusher creates a giant robot gopher which throws enormous vegetables at him. Fortunately, Blaze has an idea to get past: he turns into power shears which can cut the vegetables. He finds them and chops them with help from the viewers and makes it through safely.

S4E17 Crusher gets his chocolate

Blaze and AJ win the chocolate trophy and share it with everyone, even Crusher.

Blaze finally finds the 100th egg, just as Crusher found it as well and is about to grab it. Blaze uses his Blazing Speed to grab the egg first and send Crusher falling into the fountain, winning the 100 Egg Challenge and earning the chocolate trophy. As he and AJ share chocolates, Crusher cries over the fact he lost, so Blaze offers him a chocolate which he cheerfully accepts, since Crusher also did a good job finding eggs as well. Blaze then proceeds to share the chocolate trophy with everyone.

Afterwards, Crusher runs into Pickle one last time, who is still smelling the flowers, and thinks the last one will be the best-smelling one yet. When Crusher smells it however, he finds it smells like a smelly shoe and flees the scene, while Pickle smells it and enjoys it, ending the episode.

Other links[]

S4E17 Splitscreen of the eggs found

The 100 Egg Challenge image gallery
Episode Trivia
Episode Transcript
Episode Appearances
Memorable Quotes
End Credits

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