Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

The Blaze Family
The Blaze Family title card
Season: 5
Episode Number: 18
Production Code: #517
Topic(s): Estimation
Songs: The Blaze Family
Transformation: Wrecking ball crane
Cheats: Taco Blasting Robot
Guest Star(s): James Richard
April Stewart
Julieta Cortez
Airing Information
Original airdate: November 6, 2020
Written by: Veronica Pickett
Directed by: Marcelo Ortiz
Miguel Martinez-Joffre
The Race Around the Earth
The Treat Thief
"We can all be in the race together -- as a family!"

The Blaze Family is the 18th episode in Season 5 of Blaze and the Monster Machines.


Blaze and AJ are spending the day with some very special trucks: Blaze’s family! His Mom, Dad, and little sister Sparkle join Blaze in a race against Crusher to prove they’re the world’s fastest family!


S5E18 Let's have fun

Blaze's family introduced.

Blaze and AJ are driving through the forest, they greet the viewers and explain that something very special is racing with Blaze today, his family! He introduces his mom, dad, and his sister, Sparkle, She talks to viewers very exited, and they all play a game of tag.

S5E18 And a starting line

The championship race for today.

When they're all good, they heard a race coming from the desert as they get help from the viewers to search for a racing flag. Bump Bumperman announces today's race, Sparkle wishes they could be in that race. So Blaze has an idea, to be in that race.

Meanwhile, Crusher and Pickle appear at the race, and Crusher thinks no one can beat him, but Pickle tells him that Blaze and his family are gonna race. The family goes to the starting line, along with Crusher next to them and Bump starts go while a song is heard.

S5E18 Crusher has an idea

Crusher has an idea to get the family to loose.

Later, Crusher is seen taking a wooden track to get across, but Pickle appears again who he is giggling. He tells him a really funny knock knock joke, and he answers "Blaze's Family", and Crusher slips on some leaves. He notices Blaze and his family are coming, So he decides to break the track. When the family continues racing, They stopped and noticed the bridge is broken all thanks to Crusher.

S5E18 Correct choice

Help them choose the vine without the spiders.

Blaze's Dad decides to swing on the vines, but he noticed tickling spiders are gonna tickle him as Blaze pulls him back. They use Estimation to know which of the vines that don't have any spiders as they get help from the viewers, the color vines were: red/green, orange/turquoise, and blue/yellow. They made it pass the vines as a STEM song is heard.

Meanwhile, Crusher is still racing, but Pickle appears and tells him another knock knock joke: "'cause they're ketching up right now", as he drives away. Crusher slips on a mud puddle and sees the family getting close. Crusher decides to switch signs the wrong way into the cave. The family thinks they need to go this way into the cave, but instead of getting through, they found cave chickens pecking them back.

S5E18 Blazes obeying the flipped sign

The family mistakenly goes the wrong way.

They need something to block the chickens with something big, so they find a huge chair and Blaze and his mom push it to a hole as they get help from the viewers and block the red chicken, and He and sparkle push a refrigerator and block the yellow chicken, and they all push a big bathtub to block the blue chicken as they all got through the cave.

Back to Crusher, he is still on track to win as Pickle once again, tells another knock knock joke, But his joke was interrupted by Blaze's horn and Crusher notices the family is coming behind him. So he builds his invention: a taco blasting robot and starts to blast tacos at the family.

S5E18 It's taco-smashing time

The family as cranes.

The family suddenly notice tacos dropping at them as they hide from the tacos. They need something to get past the tacos, so Blaze has an idea to transform the family into wrecking cranes and get help from the viewers to smash 4, 7, and 10 tacos, even kill the daylights out of the taco blasting robot.

But they notice Crusher is about to head for the finish line, but they all use Blazing Speed to go super fast all the way to the finish. Sparkle wonders what they get for winning, and they got a bouncy castle trophy and the family bounces on it as the episode ends.

Other links[]

S5E18 Final shot of the Blazes bouncing

The Blaze Family image gallery
Episode Trivia
Episode Transcript
Episode Appearances
Memorable Quotes
End Credits

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