Stripes does not appear in the episode, thus making it the first episode in which a main character is absent.
This episode is called “Bouncy Tires” in some cable listings.
This is the first time Crusher's invention makes physical contact with Blaze.
Blaze and AJ's attempts to stop Zeg are:
Tape (failed)
Glue (failed)
Cement (succeeded)
This is the only episode to date where a Monster Machine (or just character) gets itchy.
Zeg seemed to take a long time to reach the bakery. He somehow doesn't get there until after Blaze pours the cement.
This is the first appearance of Reece.
This is the first episode that Blaze doesn’t say “AJ, gimmie some speed.”
Crusher doesn't shown a single cry or sob for the first time, even if he didn't get something he wanted to.
The Silly Tires were later seen as part of the Tune-Up Tires toy sets. Blaze’s set had the Dancing Tires and Chicken Tires, and Pickle’s set had the Stinky Tires and Super Bouncy Tires.
When Zeg approaches the bakery heading straight for Clive's cake, Clive refers to Zeg as a "dino truck". This may be because he doesn't know him and his name.
This is the first episode to involve counting, and the first episode to count down.
The captions list Reece’s name as Reese.
Running Gags[]
Zeg crashing into things.
Zeg getting something on his head, and he comments on it.
Crusher wanting the Bouncy Tires.
The plot is inspired by, and very similar to that of the fairy tale, The Red Shoes:
Both titles refer to the same thing involved in the plot.
Zeg uses the Super Bouncy Tires which cause him to bounce nonstop. In The Red Shoes' story, Karen finds red ballet shoes that cause her to dance nonstop.
Both Zeg and Karen cannot take off what's causing them to not stop what they're doing.
At the end, Blaze uses cement to stop the tires, and Zeg replaces them with his regular ones, like how Karen has her feet chopped off with the shoes still on, and replaces them with wooden feet and crutches.
The scene where Blaze chases Zeg down an intersection and appearing in different places mimics the famous "door chase" scenes from the Scooby-Doo! franchise.
When Crusher and Pickle start bouncing around after grabbing Zeg, he appears to be smiling all the way down to the scene where they crash into the paint can stack.
When Zeg is about to bounce down the alleyway with the clothesline, the clothes are as follows: socks, pants, shirt, towel. In the next scene, it's the opposite.
After Blaze gets rid of the itchy robots and he leaves and says "Thanks, Starla!", Starla's mouth moves to say her line "Adios, fellas!" before she says it.
While Zeg is thanking Blaze and AJ for stopping the Bouncy Tires, Blaze's eyes are shown in a lighter shade of blue than normal.
When Blaze leaves the egg warehouse and Zeg bounces down the street behind him, but when Zeg says, "ZEG!!", his mouth doesn't move.
The captions list "discharge chute" as "discharge shoot".
When the camera zooms out to Crusher after Blaze gets covered in itchy robots, some of the robots don't move with Blaze as he raises his head.
When Gabby puts Zeg's regular tires on, Zeg's eye catchlights are on the wrong side in one scene.
The glue bottle is small enough that AJ can fit it in his palms when he grabs it, but when he sets it on the ground for Blaze to squeeze it, the bottle grows to around the size of Blaze's hubcap.
In real life, cement mixers don't have a central auger column; instead, the mixing blades are mounted on the inner sides of the drum.
For most of the bakery sequence, the cake is much larger than Clive and is sitting on the floor. When Clive sighs in relief, however, the cake has shrunken and is now sitting on a table.