When a greedy queen uses a potion to cast a spell and make Crusher, Pickle, Watts and Stripes go slow, Blaze and AJ must race her for the bottle of fast magic to undo the spell when it is accidentally flung away.
At the start, Blaze and AJ are driving through the forest with Watts, Stripes, Crusher and Pickle, to see how fast they can go. They soon arrive at a hedge maze that is near a castle, home to Queen Fastine and her magic mirror. The queen asks her mirror who is the fastest Monster Machine, and the mirror responds that no one in the forest is faster than the queen, prompting her to sing a song about how she is the fastest of them all.
After her song, Blaze and his friends speed past her, and the mirror tells Queen Fastine that they're all just as fast as her. Unfortunately, the queen does not take this news well, and decides to use slow magic on them so she can be the fastest of them all. The spell takes affect on everyone except Blaze and AJ, who narrowly escape the magic wisps and overhear that the queen was behind this.