Stripes, Starla, Darington, Zeg and Watts don’t appear in this episode, while Gabby is seen but does not speak.
But otherwise, Starla's voice actor, Kate Higgins, is present as the voice of Brodie, the dentist.
Gus and Joe's residence is revealed; they're shown to share an apartment building with the number 8.
The Axle City Fair is actually the carnival shown in previous episodes.
This is another episode with no travel song.
Crusher's mud copters make a reappearance, since Need for Blazing Speed. Only this time, they were rigged to spray water.
This is the second episode where Blaze's transformation scenes are different. In this episode, he thinks of the various parts as they appear around them, and he announces the transformation and transforms. The first was in Dino Dash.
Pickle and Crusher use the blue electric guitar that Blaze played in Truck Rangers.
The production crew will have a mid-season break as of this episode, as Ramone Hamilton and Nat Faxon were working on The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants.
It’s shown in this episode both Crusher and Pickle can play guitar.
This is the first episode since Pickle Power that excludes cliffhanger fade-outs, but when it aired on Nick, Nick Jr. and Treehouse TV, it includes the cliffhanger fade-outs.
In the United States, a person has to be 16-18 to get a job. Since Pickle has a job as a waiter and construction worker, he is probably 16-18 years old (or possibly older), despite his small size.
From this episode and onward (with the exception of T-Rex Trouble), the episode’s cliffhanger fade-outs were excluded on all digital releases.
First time Blaze says "AJ, gimmie some speed" since Raceday Rescue.
This is only the second episode this season that features a viewer greeting.
This episode was originally titled “All in a Blaze Work”.
This is the first episode to have special music video effects during a song.
The first episode to technically do this is Robot Power.
This is the second Season 4 episode with no Crusher subplot before going to the first location following Robot Power.
The captions list Brodie’s name as the proper spelling, Brody.
Running Gags[]
Whenever Crusher turns down an offer to join Pickle in a job, Pickle will unintentionally say something that offends Crusher, who takes the offer to show off and mess up.
The title is loosely based off of "The Super-Sale Price".
The plot is similar to that of the tycoon and massive multiplayer games where you work or play minigames to earn coins, diamonds or points. Particularly the online platform Roblox.
The melody of Get To Work! is composed similar to Uptown Funk, a famous disco/soul song by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars.
In this episode, Blaze and AJ need coins in order to use the carnival attractions; yet in previous episodes, they use the attractions and don't pay anything.
When Blaze turns into a pizza mobile, the catchlights on his eyes are positioned incorrectly.
Before Blaze uses Blazing Speed, his spoiler pops up to let the Blazing Speed engine out, but when we see him from the front, the spoiler is down, but the boosters are still ignited.
Blaze puts toppings on the pizzas, but when they're delivered the pizzas have no toppings on them.