Stripes, Zeg and Starla's first appearances in Season 5.
This is the first time the inside of the Monster Dome is seen since Raceday Rescue, and the first episode to show a Monster Dome race since that said episode.
The Monster Machine World Championship returns since Blaze of Glory.
Stripes speaks to Crusher for the first time.
This is the second time Crusher wins a race after Defeat the Cheat.
The disco truck from Meatball Mayhem reappears during the STEM song.
With a total of four, this episode has the largest amount of Crusher's inventions to date.
First Season 5 episode with no viewer greeting.
The vacuum traps that didn't have Blaze's friends in them still stood after they were freed.
Similar to Catch That Cake! and Truck or Treat!, Crusher builds a machine to steal something (Halloween candy/Darington's birthday cake/the Championship trophy), but accidentally breaks the remote that controls his invention out of impatience, causing it to fly out of control (or perhaps blow up), leaving him to compete against Blaze to try and get it back.
This is not technically or actually the first time that more than one racer wins at the same time. Blaze and his friends also crossed the finish line at the same time together in Race to the Top of the World and The Midnight Mile, and yet they weren't considered ties. So this would've been the third time then.
Blaze uses his fog lights for the first time since Truck or Treat! and the first time in the new animation style, not counting using them to project transformation diagrams in the Race Car Adventures and Robot Riders miniseries.
In the STEM song, the Monster Machines visited the restaurant that served as the venue for Bump Bumperman's birthday party in Officer Blaze and the meatball restaurant in Meatball Mayhem.
This is the second time Crusher builds inventions off-screen, the first being the wrecking robots in Robot Power.
Though Blaze and sometimes AJ have said the term "once and for all" before, this is the first episode where Crusher says it.
Running Gags[]
Crusher chasing the trophy and the Flying Fetcher flying everywhere.
Pickle showing Crusher a trophy he got before Crusher gets into accidents that Pickle avoided to get them.
The green grow-in-the-dark robot was the first robot shrunk, but when Blaze sees it, the blue robot is in its place.
In the shining the robots scenario, the first two times Blaze turns on his fog lights, his backlights don't light up. But the third time Blaze shines the robot with the brightest light, you can see his backlights light up.