Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

Toy Trouble!
Toy Trouble! title card
Season: 5
Episode Number: 6
Production Code: #506
Topic(s): Absorption
Songs: Blazing Amazing
Monster Machine Friends
Transformation: Landfill compactor
Airing Information
Original airdate: December 6, 2019
Written by: Veronica Pickett
Directed by: Bronwyn Dennison
Miguel Martinez-Joffre
Deep Sea Grand Prix
"Well then, we've gotta catch those giant toys and shrink 'em down to size!"

Toy Trouble! is the 6th episode in Season 5 of Blaze and the Monster Machines.


While Blaze and AJ are spending time with Gabby and Watts at the Axle City Toy Store, Crusher and Pickle accidentally use a big machine to make 3 toys grow to giant size. Now it's up to Blaze, AJ, Gabby, and Watts to stop the gigantic toys from wreaking havoc around Axle City.


S5E6 One of our favorite stores

Blaze, AJ, Watts, and Gabby at the toy store.

The episode begins with Blaze, Watts, AJ, and Gabby playing at a place loaded with tons of toys: the toy store. Blaze tells the viewer what is going on, when a beeping sound catches their attention at the far end of the store. It turns out to be a mysterious machine that makes any kind of toy that is asked for, a toy making machine.

To use, they have to press a button in the shape of a toys displayed on its screen. Watts gives the machine a try by pressing the button for a toy airplane, which fulfills their request. and then she spots a red button and wonders what it does, but Blaze sees a sign that says don't touch the red button. Watts was relieved that she didn't do that and they followed the toy airplane.

S5E6 Crusher excited about the toy making machine

Crusher wanting to press the button.

When the friends follow the plane away, Crusher and Pickle appear, riding a skateboard. Crusher wishes he had something different to play with, which is when he sees the toy-making machine and gets thrilled. Pickle spots the warning not to press the red button and tries to let Crusher know, but he does not hear him and presses it anyway. The machine develops three toys: a train, a dinosaur and an octopus, which are small at first, but once the two follow them outside, they grow to giant size and chase them away.

S5E6 Giant toy train knocks over some barrels

The madness begins.

Blaze and his friends hear all the madness and come out, spotting the giant toys up the street, and realize that someone pushed the red button by accident, but they were unaware of Crusher's involvement with such. Gabby then spots a green button on top of each of the toys, which they must press in order to get them back to normal. Blaze and Watts rally up their drivers to stop the giant toys and set up as the travel song is heard.

After the song, Blaze hears the giant train on the street very fast, as it breaks a few pipes causing it to flood on the construction site. AJ wonders how will they get through the soapy water, he tells what they need is absorption, Gabby explains that it can suck liquid like a sponge. Blaze tells the viewer to choose which item they could use, so he tests them out, it was the sponge that could absorb water. So Blaze and Watts use all purple sponges to absorb all the water.

S5E6 Which can absorb

Absorption is today's STEM Concept.

Next, the train spills some orange juice onto the ground, so he tells the viewer again to use which item, he tests the frying pan and a towel it out and it was the towel that absorbs liquid. So they throw towels to suck up the orange juice as they passed it. Lastly, the train spills chocolate milk all over the floor, so Blaze tests the wrench and the napkins, and it was the napkins that absorbs, so Blaze and Watts use all napkins to suck up all the chocolate milk. After when they try items to absorb, Blaze presses the button on the train. So next, they need to get the giant dinosaur as the STEM Song plays.

S5E6 Crusher annoyed by the dropped pickles

Crusher not happy about the pickle helicopter.

Meanwhile, Crusher and Pickle are driving when Crusher is bored and wants to play with something. Pickle gets a box of pickle toys, but Crusher is disgusted by a pickle doll, and a pickle yo-yo. Luckily, Crusher thinks he found a regular toy helicopter but it was made out of pickles as Crusher gets disgusted again.

S5E6 Blaze as a landfill compactor

Blaze turned into a landfill compactor.

Later at the park, the giant toy Dinosaur is passing a few trucks and goes to a junkyard. When Blaze, AJ, Gabby, and Watts arrived at the Junkyard, the dinosaur makes junk fly into the air and blocks their way. What they need to get through is a Landfill compactor, So Blaze transforms into a Landfill compactor Monster Machine, and he climbs through the junk, But the dinosaur knocks off some towers of more junk and blocks their way, He climbs the junk too. Then, It knocks down the last tower of junk and Blaze climbs it. When they made it out, Watts presses the button on the toy. So now, they need to stop the giant toy octopus.

S5E6 Pickle telling what the dump truck does

Crusher playing with a dump truck, (but not for long).

Back at the streets, Crusher is still bored and wants something to play, But he gets disgusted from Pickle's toys like a pickle teddy bear, and a pickle xylophone. So Crusher thinks he found a regular toy dump truck, but it was a pickle toy dump truck and dumps pickles on his face.

S5E6 We shrunk all the toys

They're mission is complete.

Meanwhile, Blaze and Watts are looking for the octopus, so they tell the viewer to look for it, they checked the park and the bakery, so it was at the Carnival on top of a big slide. As they arrive at the carnival, they need to be careful to notice the toy is squirting some water drops, so Blaze uses a mop to test it out as it absorbed the water. The two drive on the slide to stop the octopus, 3 drops were seen, So they use their mops to absorb it. Next, four drops are spotted as they absorb them, and 5 drops were seen as they use to absorb them.

Then, they use Blazing Speed to get to the top as Blaze presses the last button on the octopus, now they shrunk all of the toys. As the song plays, they all play with the toys in the carnival. Back at the streets, Crusher does not ever want to play with Pickle's toys, like a pickle car, and pickle balls. So Crusher thought he found some bubbles, but it was made out of pickles to Crusher's annoyance as Pickle says "Pickle-riffic".

Other links[]

S5E6 Blaze and crew jumping happily

Toy Trouble! image gallery
Episode Trivia
Episode Transcript
Episode Appearances
Memorable Quotes
End Credits

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