Sound Wave Showdown is the first song that exceeds the usual 30-50 second length, as well as the first to last about a minute.
It's also the first song to actually be sung onscreen by the characters, as songs are generally performed offscreen during montages.
This is the first time an actual unit is associated with a number, in this case meters.
Blaze is revealed to have a measure of four meters long.
The type of guitar that Blaze uses is a tenor electric, as despite having the appearance of a bass (having four knobs on the headstock instead of six), it sounds like a regular electric but in a mid-tone range.
This is the first time Starla is not seen with her cowboy hat throughout the whole episode.
This is the first episode that Blaze remains transformed for the rest of the episode.
Even though all the main characters were part of the Truck Rangers, they weren’t seen with such nor was Gabby shown leading the troop in future episodes.
First time a measuring line appears.
Running Gags[]
Crusher trying to earn the super ranger badges by cheating, but no matter how hard he tried, he comes across a skunk.
The Truck Rangers are a spoof of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts of America.
Whenever Gabby is about to arrive, the "Reveille" bugle call can be heard, which is a traditional call to wake up the members of a military facility at sunrise.
When Blaze defeats the Robo-Bear during Sound Wave Showdown, it is a reference to the Dora the Explorer episode "Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom", when Dora defeats the Greedy King.
The volume knob on Blaze's amplifier going up to eleven is a reference to the movie This Is Spinal Tap, where an amplifier has the same thing.
The Robo Trampoline/Spring Pad was also used in the game Obstacle Course Challenge.
In the opening scene, Darington shifts from carrying a canoe with Ferris to playing tug-of-war with Starla.
When Blaze and Stripes enter the cave and they come to the first set of tunnels, Stripes' hat is gone.
When Blaze and AJ raise the flag, the badges can be seen on the stage but later on, Gabby unveils them.
In addition, while Blaze is transforming and when he starts his song to stop the Robo-Bear, the Super Bravery Badge can be seen on its post, even though it was stolen. In the next scene, the Robo-Bear is carrying it.
The position of the badges on Blaze's hat and its orientation repeatedly change throughout the episode.
In the opening scene, Stripes and Starla already have their respective badges on their hats even though they haven't earned them yet. The next time they're seen, they don't have them.
When AJ says, "Try another one, Blaze!" he moves and the mountain climbing badge can be seen on his sash despite not earning it until later.
When Gabby unveils the badges, a trapdoor opens on the stage to let them out, but when the Robo-bear is about to steal the Super Bravery badge, the trapdoor is closed.
When Starla says "Hurry y’all, I’m slipping!" her Super Mountain Climbing badge is on her hat despite not earning it yet.
When Blaze starts playing another song in celebration of earning all three badges, the numbers on the amplifier’s volume knob have disappeared.
When Blaze transforms the volume knob is at 1, then when he starts playing it’s at 4 before going up to 11. Then when being congratulated, it’s at 1 again.
Twice in a row, when the camera zooms out to Starla yelling for help, Blaze’s hat has no badge on it.
The first time Blaze salutes, he uses his right tire like everyone else, but in the rest of the episode he uses his left.
The flag is already raised in the opening shot but seconds later, Blaze raises it.
During the STEM song when Blaze and Stripes jump through a waterfall, AJ is missing.
When Stripes pops in and out of the bush looking for the croaking cave frog, his tail disappears after he goes back in on the left side.
When AJ deploys his Visor View, the catchlights on his eyes are independently positioned but returns back to normal after entering the cave.
Before Blaze and Stripes enter the cave, AJ's visor is white instead of orange.
When Crusher falls and lets go after he saw the skunk, his hat disappears, but it reappears when he gets leaves in his mouth.
During the STEM song, when they say “And when that wave touches your ear” the captions list “And” as “But”.
Stripes has his badge when he shouldn't.
Starla has her badge when she shouldn't.
The Super Bravery badge is on the stage despite the fact the Robo-bear stole it.
The flag is already raised before Blaze raises it.
The badges are on the stage, before Gabby unveils them.